The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 1998, enforces strict guidelines to prevent intellectual property theft on the internet. As a content writer or blogger, you should ensure that your content is original and complies with the DMCA. Globally, clients are increasingly concerned about duplicate content. So, start using these free plagiarism tools mentioned here and establish your writing gig as a reputable brand. 1. SmallSEOTools Plagiarism Checker Small SEO Tools is one of the most widely used free online duplicate content checking tools. The developers of the tool maintain absolute privacy of the content that you upload for plagiarism scanning. The online tool immediately deletes your texts once the report is ready. Some other noteworthy features are: You can check up to 1000 words of content at a time for plagiarism checking. You may open multiple windows to inspect content duplication if your write-up is more than 1000 words. You’ll be able to check plagiarism using any website URL. You can exclude a specific URL during plagiarism checking. The tool also offers you free access to tools like Rephrase It and Rewrite Plagiarised Content. You can effortlessly download the plagiarism scanning report for future reference or share the report with the client directly from the tool. Small SEO Tools also offers you plagiarism checker WordPress plugin and API at nominal cost. 2. Search Engine Reports Plagiarism Checker Search Engine Reports content duplication checker is one of the most trusted free tools available online. The tool compares your write-up with billions of contents on the internet before producing a report. Other great features of this tool are: The only free plagiarism checker online offering 1500 words content scanning in one session. You can upload files from the computer or import files from Dropbox account for content duplication checking. The tool supports 21 languages for plagiarism checking. You can compare your content with the source if there is any plagiarism. The tool doesn’t store any text which you upload or copy and paste for plagiarism checking. You can switch between two result views, the Sentence Wise view, and the Document View. 3. Dupli Checker Plagiarism Checker Dupli Checker is a trending plagiarism checking tool acclaimed by many content writers, digital marketing agencies, and SEO executives. The best attraction of this online content duplication checker is the freemium pricing policy. The basic tool is free for use, but you can get advanced features if you subscribe to the Pro edition of Dupli Checker. Other best features of this tool are: You can directly copy and paste your content or choose a website URL for plagiarism checking. The free duplicate content checking limit is 1000 words per instance. You can also upload different file extensions to checki plagiarism, like .rtf , .txt , .doc , .tex , .docx , .pdf , and .odt . You can also scan your write-up against grammatical errors for free from the same tool. High-tech AI-based technology can also help you identifying plagiarism from paraphrased content. 4. Webconfs SEO […]