Business Disaster Loan

Freelancer Income While Waiting for Small Business Grant 2020

Waiting for Your Small Business Grant or Small Business Loan During the Corvid-19 Pandemic? These are dark days indeed, especially if you are a small business owner. No doubt, you have heard of the Coronavirus Stimulus Package that has recently passed designed to assist families and businesses during the COVID-19 crisis, but the cogs of […]

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Freelance Virtual Assistant

How to Become a Freelancer – Virtual assistant – Freelancing Buzz

Freelance Virtual assistant Are you interested in becoming a freelancer, but you aren’t sure how to earn your money? You may consider whether or not you have the skills needed to become a virtual assistant. Before we discuss the necessary skills, let’s first talk generally about working as a freelancer. There are many perks to […]

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Freelancer Covid - 19 Job hunting

How to Find Online Freelance Jobs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Find the Best Freelance Jobs to Help Get You Through the COVID-19 Pandemic Our world is in crisis. Whether or not you have become ill from the virus, you certainly have been affected by it. Some of you may be relatively untouched, as far as your professional life goes. You may be working from home, […]

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Freelance Graphics designer

How to Become a Freelancer – Graphic designer

Freelance Graphic Designer Today in freelancer news, we are going to talk about how to become a freelance graphic designer. There are many perks of working as a freelance graphic artist. First, you can work from anywhere and at any time. While many freelancers envision blissfully completing projects while hanging out on a pristine beach, […]

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How to Manage Self-Isolation: Tips for Freelance Photographers

How to Manage Self-Isolation: Tips for Freelance Photographers

Given the recent guidelines on social distancing from various health organizations, the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes (COVID-19) means that most of us will be self-isolating for some time. As a freelancer, how can you manage this enforced downtime positively? Over the past five weeks, I was already dealing with an enforced “lay-off” […]

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How To Save For Taxes If You Are A Freelancer

How To Save For Taxes If You Are A Freelancer

Preparing for retro photo session sitting in coffee shop during work break,skilled photographer taking picture of modern cafe interior Are you tired of working for others? Being your own boss can be very rewarding both financially and spiritually, but there are challenges associated with freelance work. Taxes are one of the most difficult aspects because […]

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This Job Board Specializes in Remote Work and Flexible Gigs

This Job Board Specializes in Remote Work and Flexible Gigs

Thanks to the internet and widespread connectivity, there are plenty of jobs that don’t require you to commute to the office every day or work a 9-to-5 schedule. But how do you find openings for these positions? And how can you tell whether they’re legitimate or scams? One way to look for legitimate part-time, remote, […]

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Bectu urges government to do more for creative freelancers losing livelihoods due to coronavirus

Bectu urges government to do more for creative freelancers losing livelihoods due to coronavirus

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is being urged by to do more to protect the income of creative freelancers who are seeing their livelihoods disappearing due to the impact of corona virus. These freelancers, represented by Bectu the union for creative ambition, a sector of Prospect, continue to fall through the safety net despite measures announced in […]

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Stress Management- How to Deal with Stress While Working With Freelancers

Stress Management- How to Deal with Stress While Working With Freelancers

Running a business online is easier than ever before; with the help of online freelancers, business owners can get a lot done while saving money. The gig economy is booming, and there are 60+ million freelancers in U.S. according to the latest report from Upwork. However, working with freelancers can be sometimes very stressful, because […]

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