I’m a Good Writer So Why Am I Struggling in the Freelance Market?

I’m a Good Writer So Why Am I Struggling in the Freelance Market?

Freelance News Freelance Resources Freelance Skills Freelance Tips

You knew you were born to be a writer. So, you leaped into freelancing. But it’s been harder than you thought it would be. Being a good writer isn’t enough; you’re an entrepreneur now. You looked all the right freelancing forums and job boards . You’ve niched down. You follow Neil Patel religiously. And you pitch. And you pitch. And you pitch. But you’re still struggling. And seeing other new writers out there killing it isn’t helping your confidence . You find yourself thinking, “What the heck am I doing wrong? What do they have that I don’t?” Chances are, you aren’t thinking like a BOSS. It might be time for some tough love. Being a good writer isn’t enough; you’re an entrepreneur now. You own your own business. Let that sink in for a minute. You aren’t just a writer you are a business owner. Because that’s what this is, even if you only devote a few hours a week to it. It’s a business. And if you aren’t treating your freelancing as a serious business, you can’t expect potential clients to either. So, in the words of my girl, Lizzo, it’s time for you to “Boss up and change your life.” There are plenty of resources out there to help you with the administrative aspects of running a business ; this post is all about making the mental shift necessary to succeed when you are in business for yourself. It’s hard work and demanding of your time and energy, but let me tell you, it feels so damn good when you start to see YOUR business grow. You’re the Boss Now – Ditch the Employee Mindset It’s up to you to make the decisions. And I mean ALL the decisions, big and small. Working at a full-time job, you have a time that you are expected to show up, eat your lunch, and go home for the day. You may not have a heavy-handed manager, but your boss generally dictates what you do at work and when. Not so anymore, my friend. It’s all on you now, and it’s up to you to make decisions that will move you forward on your entrepreneurial journey! It’s time to get used to wearing all the hats. (They look good on you anyway.) Time management is going to be critical here. Again, as an employee, someone else is managing your time. As a freelancer, time management is on you. And working from home often means you are dealing with more distractions than just the lure of Facebook and your coworker telling you what they did at the bar last Saturday night. There’s housework that needs to be done, a friend that wants you to go out for drinks later, and the kids still aren’t in bed. The distractions are non-stop. Some ways that I have found to manage my time and avoid distractions: Prioritize what’s important to you. Get crystal clear on areas of your life where you can stop […]

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