Making money from the comfort of home is definitely on everyone’s wish list, and the ability to do so is easier than ever before. In fact, starting a home business is becoming a great way to leave the 9-to-5 cubicle or simply generate a nice passive income. Did you know that there are approximately 38 million businesses currently in operation in the US? Even more shocking to some is that nearly half were launched for under $5,000 . Not bad right? This is certainly a call to action for anyone thinking about launching a money making upstart from the sofa. “Every person has the right to enjoy happiness, good health, time-freedom and financial-freedom…regardless of who they are, where they live, and what they do,” The 1-Hour Workweek explained. Afterall, no one said you need to be in an office for nine hours a day to be productive and earn a great salary. If you are one of those people thinking about making your living room or kitchen your new headquarters, we have a few money making upstarts that could be worth researching a bit more. Let’s dive in! Become a Writer for Online Publications or Celebrities. Pretty much everyone […]
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