If you want to make a living as an artist , there are basically three ways to do it: Be employed by a company as a designer (this option is slowly declining as more and more companies approach design as a project to be hired out vs. a full-time role). Be employed by an agency as a designer Be a freelancer So, let’s talk about the freelance life for artists and designers. Working for yourself has some big advantages. You can (mostly) make your own schedule, choose your projects and have flexibility in terms of when and where you work. The downside is, of course, that you have to go out and find clients . Fortunately, right now there’s plenty of work to go around. The design industry covers a variety of disciplines, including graphic designers, web developers, instructional designers, and more. One of the keys to being successful as a freelancer is finding a niche where your skills and interests align with the needs of your clients. Today, companies are more visually oriented than ever. From branding and logos to explainer videos to animations, the world of digital design is exploding. It’s one of the fastest growing segments […]
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