The world of freelancing and content writing is not only a very lucrative industry to be in, it’s also one of the most competitive as well. One of the best ways to compete and demand higher premiums on your writing, is to make sure you have a domain name and website of your own. This ultimately helps with allowing more clients to find your work, ranking in the search results, and also building a personal brand for yourself in the process. One of the most common obstacles in this process however, is that most writers are site designers or bloggers. The good news, is that WordPress makes this process a whole lot easier. In short, there are pretty much zero technical and design skills required to have a site of your own. This is all done through the power of WordPress, which is a free software solution that can give you the ease to create your own website with all the features of an completely custom site, but without the headaches. It is the most popular platform for blogging as well. In fact, WordPress has helped in the hosting or creation of more than 60% of the websites present on the Google search engine. In this article, today you will learn about the many benefits of using WordPress to power your site and grow your freelance writing business, while also learning more about tools, tips, and tricks for when it comes to using WordPress plugins to rank higher in the search results. Why and How to Get the Most Out of WordPress As covered, WordPress makes the process of site management and content creation extremely easy. All you need to do is pick a domain name, set up your web hosting, and start using WordPress to create content for your site. If you don’t already have a website of your own, be sure to read through these VPS hosting reviews and you can learn more about the different options, rates, and hosting plans out there to choose from. If you’d like to see what’s possible through the use of WordPress, follow that link and see what a customized site with a lot of reviews and a custom theme in place looks like. FreelanceWritingGigs is also running off WordPress as well. WordPress themes and plugins will also come in handy during this process, as they are the little bits of software that are added to your sites to enhance it’s functionality. WP plugins are written in PHP and you can create your plugin in WordPress that suits your requirement. They are very important in improving Google rankings. How are WP Plugins Used to Improve Google Rankings? As freelance writers, you are probably already familiar with the concept of writing content for a site — and then having the client use that content for their site, and also in hopes to rank it in Google. In order for content to rank in Google, it actually comes down to a number of […]
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