Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. This article was written by Kay VanAntwerpen, a member of the Entrepreneur NEXT powered by Assemble content team. Entrepreneur NEXT is our Expert solutions division leading the future of work and skills-based economy. If you’re struggling to find, vet, and hire the right Experts for your business, Entrepreneur NEXT is a platform to help you hire the experts you need, exactly when you need them. From business to marketing, sales, design, finance, and technology, we have the top 3 percent of Experts ready to work for you. Generational changes, employee priorities, and global events (such as COVID-19) have altered the way we look at the workplace. For employees, flexibility is now paramount. More than a third of workers in the U.S. are already part of the gig economy, and by the end of 2020, freelancers are expected to make up about 40 percent of the workforce. Ninety-two percent of millennials say they prefer jobs that allow them to work from home . As a result, the most reliable, hardy, and talented specialized workers—the kind who have paid their dues with tens of thousands of hours in the field—are moving to positions that allow them location independence and scheduling freedom. Companies need the ability to tap into the freelance economy to attract real expertise. Competition to attract these employees is fierce. Major organizations like Google and Apple have deeper pockets than smaller startups, and are able to offer enticing benefits and prestigious positions that cause a resume to glow. Plus, there are a lot of smaller startups grasping for talent. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor estimates 50 million startups will launch within the next year. This is where the blended workforce changes everything—with more talented workers moving to organizations that allow them to work for multiple clients, skilled work can be spread across a number of organizations any given week. Blended workforce changes everything. Advances in technology have offered us new opportunities in workplace development. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how effective and powerful the mobile workforce can be, and how quickly it can establish itself in a well-functioning order. Now, at the press of a button, startups can access talent from across the globe, and choose from the best of the best to meet their specific needs. These technological advances will bring us to a place where your permanent, full-time employees are able to work alongside and benefit from your temporary, external experts. It’s the future of the workforce. In one survey , HR leaders in Silicon Valley indicated that they anticipated the workforce to reach a place where 50 percent of the standard organization’s talent is external. This allows small companies to hire on a project-by-project basis, with access to the biggest and best talent. It also enables organizations in unusual locations to remotely engage professionals who cannot travel to them. The number one problem shared among entrepreneurs today is finding, vetting, hiring, and retaining expertise . How the freelance workforce […]
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