Freelance Tips, Freelance Opportunities, Freelance News

How to Choose a Career that Gives You Money Without Investing

So you’ve landed your dream job at a world-renowned company. You’ve made your parents proud and can afford all the material luxuries of the world. Despite all your professional accomplishments, you often long to do something for yourself. If this is how you’re feeling, it’s high time you assess yourself and identify the right career […]

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Freelancing News

4 Secrets To Successful Freelancing In 2020: ‘That’s What The Highest-Paid Freelancers Do’

UPWK – 4 Secrets To Successful Freelancing In 2020: ‘That’s What The Highest-Paid Freelancers Do’ Freelancing isn’t quite what it used to be. The old framework typically included one-off projects in photography, writing, transcription or a similar field amounting to part-time employment. “Today, freelancing is way bigger,” Nick Tubis, founder of, told Benzinga. “Freelancing […]

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