Marketing and Lead Generation Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales

Marketing and Lead Generation Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales

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Successful freelancers network, share, and learn from others. Freelancer Who Hates Selling? Are you a small business owner or freelancer that doesn’t like doing actual selling? You’re not alone. Many creatives find that following their passion is the easy part of being self-employed. But approaching potential customers for your product is much more difficult. I’ve travelled the same road, but reading Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation and Network Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales has given me lots of new ways to approach the issue. The author, Steve Morgan, writes from first-hand experience. He’s a freelance SEO consultant based in the UK, but his tips on how to sell for people who hate selling are relevant wherever your business is trading. Written in an informal, chatty style, this book is an easy and engaging read. Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales Tips and Tricks to Sell by Stealth Sales and business deals are made easier when a client feels a personal connection with the seller. Steve puts this into practice by using the first few chapters of his book to recount his experience as a freelancer. The book details the trials and tribulations, successes and failures as he attempts to get his business off the ground. Network Think about joining organizations whose members have parallel skills to your own. When you’re socializing (a gentle form of networking) you want to be remembered. Be the only person in the group with a particular talent, and you’re more likely to be the one they think of when a niche business opportunity arises. Don’t forget, lots of groups socialize online, so if you’re unable to meet others in person, there are still opportunities to connect from your home office. Get a presence on the internet Get your name out there on the world-wide-web. This could be a blog, some videos, or a full-blown website. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. You could try writing a guest blog, or engage with social media too. These are all good ways of finding out what interests people, and what are the current trends. If you become highly specialized, you are an expert in your field, and there should be less competition. Be selective and extremely good at what you do, and people will queue for your attention. Spread yourself too thinly and you are at the bottom of the heap. The Sales Process Do people just decide what they want to buy, and then go and out and buy it? No, not really. To convince a consumer to buy your goods you need to engage in a sales process. This means identifying a need or creating one, marketing the item and your brand, producing and getting the goods to the marketplace, and finally, closing the sale and receiving payment. The market for goods and services is global. If you want to sell a handmade one-off item, your competition may be copycat goods made for next-to-nothing in a third-world low-wage economy. […]

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