Manyminds. Kirsty Hulse embraces the freelance culture across her business. Indeed, Manyminds could not exist without the rich pool of freelance talent she hires to create world-class content for some of the world’s leading brands. Businesses are clearly waking up to how they can use freelance talent across their enterprises. I spoke to Kirsty to gain an insight into how she approaches the freelance talent she uses, and what this means for business in the medium to long term. What are the key drivers behind your business’s use of freelancers? “The primary driver is that the access to talent is significantly increased through the use of freelancers. I do not have to source employees with a 20-mile radius of my office. I can use a global talent pool and access extremely high level or specialised skill sets as and when I need them. “I did not set up my agency and then transition into a freelance model. I set up my agency because I had a hunch, which later proved to be true, that using a pool of expert, independent freelancers that collaborated according to project requirements, would be cheaper and high quality. The second reason is that this allows me to have a very lean approach to my business overall. My overheads are significantly reduced without lofty office costs, so it allows me to be bolder and take more positive risks in my businesses.” Is the freelance community still largely an untapped resource business should be using? “In many industries, hugely. The great thing about working with freelancers is that they are businesses owners in their own right. This means your workforce understands the pressures and requirements of running a business. This can be hugely helpful for any growing, small business to work with those who understand the importance of hitting deadlines and maintaining quality client relationships. “Also, in my industry (digital marketing) I have seen many more companies openly use freelancer resource since I set up my agency four years ago. So, whilst it’s becoming more recognised and prevalent there is still a notion that you need to be able to see someone’s screen to ensure they are working effectively.” How do you make the decision whether to hire someone as an employee, or hire them on a freelance or contract basis? “This is easy. The freelancers I work with are businesses owners in their own right. They would not want to be hired. The work I provide them is only a part of a broader revenue they make. This is a key distinction for me. If you are working with a freelancer who relies solely on the work you give them to sustain themselves, then you have an ethical responsibility to hire that person. Working with independents is great, as long as it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.” YOU MAY ALSO LIKE As a business owner, is the fact that the costs associated with an employee do not apply to freelance workers factor into your decision to […]