The fact that you’re reading these words right now means that you’ve undoubtedly heard the term “freelancing” quite a bit by now. Maybe you’ve seen a lot of friends and relatives climb aboard the freelancing bandwagon and want to make some of that dough yourself. Perhaps you’ve heard of the impact freelancers have made in our country and are just in awe of them. After all, they did bring in $150 million worth of revenue over the course of a year . Regardless of your reasons for wanting to learn more about freelancing, you can rest assured that it is an incredibly fascinating concept. In this article, we will dive headfirst into freelancing waters and talk about everything you need to know in order to kick-start your own freelance career. What is a freelancer? Also known as an “independent contractor,” a freelancer is someone who is self-employed and is not necessarily tied with a single company. Some freelancers might use an agency to connect them with work opportunities. However, most freelancers use networking and their contacts to generate jobs. Generally, freelance work is short-term and is paid by the job or by the hour (though some may use a retainer if the client frequently uses their services). Examples of freelance work The digital economy has made freelancing a far more viable choice for workers. The scope for freelance work is pretty vast, especially now that most of our work is conducted remotely. Common freelance jobs include: Writing/blogging Web development Social media management Data Entry Graphic design Virtual assistant Accounting/bookkeeping Computer programming Pros and cons of freelancing This overview of freelancing wouldn’t be complete without pointing out the good (and the ugly) in the freelancing world. Therefore, the following are some of the most common pros and cons of a freelancing career. Pros: Flexible work schedule Acquisition of new skills Quality of work The ability to work anywhere Ability to be your own boss Selectivity with clients No commuting No office politics Cons: Inconsistent income No job security No benefits Increased financial workload Difficulty distinguishing work and personal time Juggling multiple client issues at once (particularly hellish!) How to start your own freelancing journey Making the decision to go for a freelancing career may sound brilliant, but there are several important steps you’ll have to take before you can sit back and watch the money roll in. While freelancing might seem overwhelming sometimes, especially when one considers the plethora of options and platforms available, it becomes immensely meaningful work once you get the basics right. Without further ado, let us walk through some of the initial steps every aspiring freelancer must consider. Define you goals and niche Like any venture, it’s important to have goals. Without goals, you can easily lose track of your business plan or become derailed. Gaining a clear understanding of your long-term goals will help you set smaller short-term goals to help you along the way. Some important questions to ask yourself are: Are you looking […]