Freelancing work history

Boost your work history with freelancing

Freelance Skills Freelance Tips

Experience is really important if you want to get a job. This proves that someone else hired you and that they appreciated what you did for them, meaning that you will be good for their company too. Many ads are looking for applicants to already carry some sort of practical experience on the job, so it can be a bit difficult to get a job if you don’t have the experience and are just out of school. Candidates often volunteer and work in odd places to give their CVs some meat. Whilst these are great and valid options, you could and should try freelancing which is an overlooked option. It’s a great way to gain experience, without working for free, whilst getting paid a decent income. You can also make good contacts and enjoy your home. It gives you a chance to travel the globe as well. You might even like it so much, freelancing will become your career for life. But for now, you should focus on giving your CV more flair with freelancing. Here are some tips on how to do just that: Find a good freelancing site Once you start building your CV with freelancing jobs, you should start looking at freelancing platforms. You have several options here and your niche will largely determine which one will work for you. Designers have a good chance with Behance, People per hour, 99Designs and so on. If you are a writer, you can try Upwork, Freelancer or Flexjobs. These websites are also amazing for other professionals. However, you can also try building your own freelancing business by cold emailing clients. These jobs are usually paid better, and you can get better credits. “Expats in the Netherlands could be especially great in freelance translating jobs and working on freelance projects in the Netherlands,” says Randy Garden, a recruiter at Writemyx and Australia2write. Do deep research on which websites would suit you best and provide you with enough work. Build your profile A good profile can go a long way when it comes to finding a job and a client on one of the freelancing platforms. This will give you a face online and a good description of what you can do. You should also list your education and something of your personal, soft skills that can help you differentiate yourself. You need a good profile picture – something clear that makes you look professional. Don’t post blurry pictures or pictures with friends. It needs to be clear that it’s you and that you are good for the job. You should also provide a decent amount of information in your description where you share more about your soft and hard skills, services you provide, the languages you speak and so on. Make sure you also provide a portfolio of your work or of your previous work, something you did for practice or in school. Pay attention to this and make it look good! Find the first job “If you want […]

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