As a company owner, you are firstly a businessperson. And business people are after one thing which is making profits. Making profit starts by minimizing the costs of running the business which include salaries and wages. Well, you wouldn’t need to fire anyone, just hire smartly. One of the ways to hire smartly is by seeking the services of a freelancer. Usually, with an employee under your payroll, they are entitled to more than just the monthly salaries. You will probably need to give bonuses, trips, insurance, among other benefits that accrue to employees. Contrarily, freelancers usually do not qualify for these benefits; all ties are cut once you have paid for the service rendered. This is one of the advantages of hiring a freelancer over in-house employees. Below are more: Specialized skillset It is impossible to have all the skills under your payroll. Apart from it being expensive over-time, it is utterly unnecessary. Your team may be specialized in one form of skillset while missing another, you cannot hire an addition for one task. This necessitates hiring a freelancer to solve the problem. Also, it is easy to get freelance services with just a touch of a button. Most of the people who offer freelancing services have their services advertised along with their profiles. Just by checking the reviews and the work experience, it is easy to judge if they are a fit or a flop. Permanent hiring can be tedious. It may involve a series of interviews which can be costly and take a lot of time. To save yourself the trouble, opt for freelancing services. Right equipment Freelancers walk with their tools of work. These are equipment which they have used for some time and are used to them. The specialized tool is likely to add a lot of positivity and speed to your project saving you lots of precious hours. Also, the experience of working on tools brings about some level of confidence. Therefore, the chances of building quality a quality project are very high. Flexibility A freelancer can stay up the whole night to complete a project. They are used to having clients all over the world and can serve more than one customer at the same time. So, they are more than capable of handling your assignment any time especially if it is time-sensitive. On the other hand, an in-house employee will not engage in office work if it falls outside the working hours. One thing you will be assured of is timely quality work. And if it is late, there will be a communication of the same prior; so that you can plan your activities knowing the exact delivery date. Furthermore, freelancers take full responsibility for their work and any mistakes that may be found. This is unlike in-house projects where you will not locate the source of the problem fast so that it can be fixed early enough especially when your employees start engaging in blame games. Affordable Affordability comes in […]
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